Sunday, September 17, 2006


It's been a wild week, lots of phone, appointments and persistence in getting people to do what they should. As such, my updating on my blog has slowed down to a crawl and for that I'm sorry. The irony is that so many things are happening I should be blogging about it, but I have not.

First, I've been working on the financial side of our house purchase. I got a call from the my bank telling me that my line of credit has been successfully moved from Kingston to Ottawa. Great, oh but does that mean my checks are still valid - no! Ah crap! So I had to re-issue my deposit to Minto and also start the RRSP withdrawal process.

At the same time, I've been working with banks, brokers etc trying to get the best possible deal we can concerning our mortgage. With that all going one, Britgal and I have been talking, choosing and researching colours, flooring, cabinets etc. Some of the options we will take from the builder (it's easier and the price difference isn't big) others we have to seriously consider going to a 3rd party - like hardwood flooring is about 2K cheaper if we take it from a flooring specialty store. Appliances etc all have to be purchased, and we need to come into budget and still leave enough for window treatments, light fixtures, etc that we want to upgrade. On top of that we should leave enough so we can start some DIY projects to improve bathrooms etc.

On a different track, work has been ok. Keeping pretty busy - but I always feel distracted.

Serdic hosted Magic night, and it was a great success. Great food, great people, great time! It's nice to get out of the 'same ol' routine' of work, home, research. Nice break to unwind and just play some games for fun. This time my theme deck was 'Fakes on a Plain' which was on the same thought lines as Nail's "Snakes on a Plain". This time, my deck worked better than the 'Towns people deck' of last time. I will need to come up with a better theme next time.

Perhaps I will update later on.

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