Monday, October 02, 2006

Stringing along...

Here is my new guitar! I scored it on the weekend and for a pretty good deal. I'm on the lookout for either an amp or perhaps an amp modeling device so I can plug in headphones (Britgal doesn't want a big honking amp).

I've been strumming along with this and I've really grown to like this axe quite a bit. It's got a modern and retro look to it - apparently it is based on a Ovation Ultra-GP (not a direct clone, but a re-interpretation) which was apparently not popular at the time but has gained a resurgence. The guitar is made by a Canadian company called EastWood which have all sorts of tribute guitar models which get great reviews as affordable guitars which play well, sound great and are built well. I can say that it sounds good, feels good and is affordable. Time will tell if it lasts, but these have been made for the last few years, and no real complaints. I'm also on the lookout for a good case for this beast.

I was a tad bit of an ass to ditch out on a wedding that Britgal wanted me to attend with her (I went with Nail, Serdic and others to ForanObjects place to dig dirt). So in a sad attempt to make amends, I also scored a PVR for which she as always wished we could have. It takes a while to get used to the idea that once you get a backlog of shows going, you can fast forward commercials etc. Pretty cool and I think I'm somewhat forgiven for being an ass.

Finally on the 'being a good little consumer' side of things, RJA, the Shivmiester and I went to the Superstore to take a look around. Overall, this store is massive (too bad that parking lot isn't as massive) with lots of everything (even TV's). I had seen a flyer with an ad for the PC rice cooker which had 'fuzzy logic'. How could I resist a gadget, for cooking, that had a geek slant! I didn't get a chance to use it this evening, but I think I'll get a chance soon. It's pretty sweet looking.. I hope it cooks well. It's fairly cheap at 39$

Thanks for all the well wishes concerning my illness on Sat - it was strange and unpleasant, but after much sleep I did feel better the next day.

Null out.

1 comment:

Serdic said...

I thought you said you got permission to go digging on Saturday, as in it was suggested that you should go help your friends instead of going to the wedding, or am I misremembering the conversations?