Sunday, January 14, 2007

Long time

It's been awhile since I've blogged with any real 'true grit' content. Most or all of my entries trend towards the sugar coating, and shallow interests. Now, in truth this is fine as it serves a purpose and I suppose resembles the soap opera side of blogging. You keep up with the goings on of a multitude of characters and their current roles always looking to the next chapter. The yearning to perhaps glean some insight into the meaning of the characters life by assembling the series of events strung by the weaver of this yarn into some coherent interpretation. In truth, this blog is really no more than what it is - the disconnected musings of an introvert.

Sometimes I'm not happy with who I am - strike that, sometimes I'm wish I could just be like others. I don't seem to feed of hanging out as many do. I enjoy simple activities (especially cerebral ones) but I fear I lack the ability to just sit and gab. It seems at odds that I can in fact journal my own thoughts onto the medium du' jour. Well dear reader, while you might infer that this activity is a social one, the connection between you and I is rather tenuous. It's not unlike an novelists, and is mostly one way rather than interactive. Sure there is the option to comment on my entries. Heck, I might even read the feedback (when I notice there is any) but rest assured this is more of a cathartic exercise and much less of a social one.

Over time, I've become accustom to reading other peoples blogs, and even caught myself attempting to decode the sometimes cryptic messages they write. On the face, each entry is mostly straight forward but I also have a personal connection with many of the journals I frequent. This connection allows me to actually interpret the contents into more than just simple plot continuations.

Reading the journals then interacting with the subjects offers a reinforcement of sorts and solidifies the blog. I fear without it, I would become disinterested in many of the blogs today. This isn't a comment about the content - not at all. In fact, my own content read in this light would be utterly banal and painful to ingest. I'm commenting more about my own habits and that I would not be able to commit time and interest to reading a series of disconnected journal entries with no end in sight.

Lately, I've been rather distracted and I'm looking forward to taking some time off and refocusing.


You Look Like A Nail said...

There are no cryptic messages in my blog posts. I reserve all of my extremely subtle and meaningful communication for my secret double life as a minor league baseball streaker.

/dev/null said...

hehe - perhaps I should have used the word ambiguous then. While I didn't target anyone specifically, without any real life context, much of the content would seem slightly out of left field for most of our blogs -hehee