Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I just wanna scream

So yesterday I was looking at my online banking, and noticed the cheques for my line of credit which where NOT supposed to work (according to the bank) did in fact, work. Now I have too many cheques floating around for more money than I have - NOT GOOD!

So I phone the bank to confirm, and I find out that in trying to be helpful, they're 'forcing' the cheques through to make it easier.

I phone Minto, the bank back and forth - finally someone at Minto calls me back and she's actually on the ball. In fact, Minto already noticed the double issue for the cheques and voided the first one from the new set! Even better, they're sending the 2 LOC cheques and the 1 voided cheque back to me tomorrow - so life is going to be all good once I get them back in my hands.

Phew...something that was supposed to be dirt simple got really foobar'ed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel free to let the rage out at! It works everytime bud!

Headline - "Coup Detat of local Ottawa Bank - Customer goes psycho"