Sunday, November 05, 2006

Status: Ulm, Germany

Whew, I made it. That was a seriously long wait at the airport, followed by a rather painful exit (you have to clear security twice now!). Apparently I had cheese and Branston pickle sandwiches (yuck!) for lunch on the flight to Stuttgart.

The drive was rather easy going, the navigation unit made a big difference! I don't know if I would have found the hotel in the dark - crazy little side streets everywhere. I did enjoy the first half of the drive though. Blasting on the autobahn at about 150-160 in my Ford . I had an option of either a Fiat Punto or the Ford, I took the Ford as I've driven the Punto - it sucks.

Not that the Ford is a power house either and with the hills on the second part of the trip, I could barely get the little sucker to go faster than 100km. Mind you these were some pretty steep hills, for long periods of time, but it's just embarrassing that you can't keep the speed up. Even doing 150km, I still got passed like I was standing still on the autobahn. Some Volvo blew by me so fast, it made the car move slightly. He must have been doing 200+ at least... that is scary!

Well, I think I'll forage for food now - see what's what.


Travelling Greek said...

Ford?? Ick.


Serdic said...

Why is it everytime you go to the Fatherland, they make you a POW?