Taking a step back.
Sometimes I find myself so engrossed or focused on the issues at hand that I loose sight of the 'big picture'. Nothing particularly special about my situation, everyone does it and everyone (or a large portion of people) also realise that taking a step back to re-evaluate things is also necessary. With all the errands, running around, getting from A to B, working and the 1000's of other little things that we find to fill our days we loose the forest for the trees.
What am I ranting about? Nothing really, at least nothing all that special. Just that I'm reminded of how fortunate I am (and have been). I'm amazed at what I have purely on the chance that I live in the country that I do. I'm humbled by what I'm afforded through my ability to work where I do. Of course, I'm dumb founded that it all comes together regularly and I have the privilege to share it with the important people in my life.
The funny thing, it's the smallest, strangest thing that makes me sit back and appreciate what I have. For instance, this morning I sat at my computer, drinking my coffee and I opened my patio door for some fresh air. That was it. I realized, I live in a house with a patio, and I can open said patio door without fear that some sociopath is going to shoot up my yard. I can sit and sip my coffee in peace and quiet and reflect on things. I live in a country where I do not need to worry about basic health or welfare, nor if some other country is going to bomb us back to the stone age. Things could change (they always can), but for now, things are good; they could always be better, but I try not to loose sight that things are, in fact, good.
No preaching intended here, just pure reflection.
I know exactly what you mean!
We take the little things for granted.
Why, just the other day I was masterbating in the rain and - uh -- um, ...what? Why are you looking at me like that?
...what did I say wrong? ;)
Nicely written - when did you learn how to write so well?
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