Monday, January 21, 2008

Life as a Dad

It's been a little over a couple weeks in my new role as dad. I came into this with a few preconceived notions of what being a parent would be like. Not that they where completely off the mark, but rather just devoid of the feeling or experience which completes the picture now.

I've read a lot of articles and books on what to expect, how to deal with parenthood and what is normal during this transition from couple to family. I'm sure every dad strives to avoid changing too much but things DO change and change is hard. Saturdays will no longer be 'sleep in' and hang out doing nothing but drinking coffee and relaxing. That said, I don't miss it as I can now hang out with my little girl. Even now as I type this entry, my sweetie is sleeping on my chest and everything just feels right with the world.

While I'm still very new to this, one common thing I did read about was the idea that doing house work or cooking would take a long backseat. Our house isn't as tidy as we would like, but we still eat good meals at home. The lessons we learned during Britgal's pregnancy helped us develop cooking habits as we couldn't just go out for dinner. Now we'll see how long this lasts as energy continues to be sapped but we're both hopeful :) .


Travelling Greek said...

YEAH! Pictures!


Anonymous said...

Adam, she's freakin' beautiful.