Friday, November 03, 2006

Auf Wiedersehen

I should be off to Germany tomorrow - I should be reachable via email, gtalk, MSN, Skype etc. My mobile will not be the same number, so I will not get phone calls from it. I've placed a German time clock on my blog for easy reference (GMT+1) for anyone looking for me.

This time around, I picked up a phrase book by lonely planet. They make some really good travelling books and Britgal and I enjoyed their Japanese and Thai phrase books. Quickly leafing through, this book is up to the usual standard.

Armed with my new phrase book, map and my laptop, I hope to engage a few more Germans in german rather than hoping they speak english. I will be staying in Ulm, Germany - there should be some interesting things to see I hope! It should make up for the long hours I'm certainly going to face . My friend in Germany, whom I met while in Karlsruhe, won't be in town as he's currently in Japan. Hopefully, I will learn and make some decent contact (and drink lots of beer).

I hope to make some blog entries while in Germany - just not sure what I can/cannot say on my blog... guess we'll see. I wonder if I can conference in via Skype or Gtalk for Monday magic?

1 comment:

Serdic said...

Shouldn't be hard. We'll just play 4 iths, 4 doppelgangers, 4 clones and 4 zombie warcheifs with enough mana to get them out.:p